Safe and Available Cough Medicine at Pharmacies for Pregnant Women


When pregnant, it's important to be careful in selecting medication as the substances in the medication can reach the fetus. However, the discomfort caused by coughing often necessitates finding safe medication for pregnant women.

Pregnant women are actually allowed to take cough medicine, as long as the dosage is safe and doesn't contain overly strong ingredients. However, it's crucial to consult a doctor before taking any medication to ensure its safety.

Safe Cough Medicine for Pregnant Women
Here are some suggestions for reliable and safe cough medicines for pregnant women:

1. Bisolvon 8 mg 10 Tablets

Mothers can use Bisolvon Tablets containing bromhexine hydrochloride. This active ingredient belongs to the mucolytic drug category, meaning it has the ability to liquefy or thin mucus or phlegm in the respiratory tract.

Bisolvon plays a role in reducing the thickness of phlegm in the respiratory tract, making it easier to expel. Therefore, this medicine is very suitable for relieving phlegm cough in mothers. By helping to liquefy mucus, Bisolvon supports the process of clearing the respiratory tract, reducing discomfort, and allowing mothers to breathe more comfortably.

To determine whether the cough is phlegmy or dry, it's important to identify the type of cough based on the symptoms that appear. The price range of Bisolvon is between Rp23,500 to Rp32,100 per strip.

2. Mucohexin Syrup 120 ml

Another safe cough medicine option for pregnant women is Mucohexin Syrup. Mucohexin Syrup contains bromhexine hydrochloride, a substance that can liquefy or thin mucus or phlegm in the respiratory tract.

The advantage of Mucohexin Syrup lies in its ability to relieve breathing by thinning thick mucus. Its syrup formulation makes it easy for mothers to consume.

Mucohexin Syrup is affordable, ranging from Rp22,300 to Rp29,500 per bottle.

3. Uray Natural Honey 450 g

If mothers are looking for a more natural option, consider Uray Natural Honey as an alternative. This honey is a type of raw honey produced by wild bees, not from farms.

This natural product contains antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids, which play a role in fighting free radicals that can cause coughing. The enzymes and antimicrobial compounds in honey also have a positive impact on respiratory health.

Uray Natural Honey is not only beneficial for health but also suitable for use as a sugar substitute in food and beverages. Its price is affordable, at Rp96,800 per bottle. Must-Know Cough Symptoms and How to Overcome Them

4. Cooling 5 Mouth Spray Cool Mint 15 ml

Next, there is Cooling 5 Mouth Spray Cool Mint 15 ml, an oral spray with a mint aroma.

This product aims to provide a sensation of freshness and health benefits to maintain mouth balance. This spray is also effective in relieving throat pain, discomfort from mouth ulcers, and mild irritation in the mouth, throat, and lips.

The refreshing sensation is obtained from the mint fragrance in this product, providing fresher breath and a cool sensation in the mouth.

Its price ranges from Rp31,500 to Rp50,100 per bottle.

5. Ikadryl Apple Flavor Syrup 100 ml

Another safe cough medicine for pregnant women is Ikadryl Syrup. However, doctors generally prescribe it to treat coughs and colds caused by allergies.

The ingredients in Ikadryl Syrup have the ability to provide comfort to the respiratory tract. Its formula is also effective in treating allergic reactions by reducing the impact of histamine in the body.

Thus, this medicine helps reduce allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing that often occur together with coughing.

Its price ranges from Rp15,500 to Rp27,400 per bottle.

American Pregnancy Association. Accessed in 2023. Cough and Flu During Pregnancy.
The Royal Women’s Hospital. Accessed in 2023. Medications During Pregnancy.
Hallodoc. Accessed in 2023. These Are Safe Cough Medicine Choices for Pregnant Women Available at Pharmacies.


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